“Land Limits for Term Limits”
I am walking from Key West, FL to Cape Flattery, WA (the limits of the land) to bring awareness to the need for congressional term limits.
If you believe Congress needs term limits, please sign our petition
Only sign the petition with this button and exit. You do not have to donate to ipetitions platform
On December 22, 2020, I started walking from Key West, Fl to Cape Flattery, WA. My hope is to raise awareness for the crucial need for congressional term limits while donating money to organizations that fight human trafficking.
Travel log:
Week of May 10th
Crossed over into Tennessee on my way to Fayetteville and then heading to Nashville after that.
Week of April 26th
Finally made it to Birmingham, Alabama.
Week of April 17th
Met with several reporters and T.V. stations in Troy, Alabama and Montgomery. Had an hour long radio interview with Joey Clark on NewsTalk 93.1.
Will be back out on the road in Alabama this Saturday, April 17th!
Continued up through Alabama but rolled my ankle and had to recoup with friends in Georgia.
Started in Key West and made my way to Ozark, Alabama